Strength Training: 5 Tips to Get You Started

Sherrie Shepherd

Sherrie Shepherd

Most runners know that strength training is an important aspect of their training regimen. The benefits of strength training for runners include injury prevention, improved muscle performance, improved body composition and metabolism, to name a few. However, even though we know it’s good for us, many runners struggle with knowing how to get started and how to make the time for it.  We will give you a step by step guide to getting started with your strength training regimen, how to set up your home gym, and how to get the most benefit in the least amount of time!


Whether you are choosing to workout at home, or join a gym, it’s important to have a specific space for you to work out, free from distractions.  If you’re going to the gym, get familiar with the lay out, then the equipment, and then the class schedule. Getting comfortable in your environment will help tear down the walls of fear when it comes to strength training.

If you’re working out at home, find a place that can be dedicated just to strength training (even if it’s temporary).  Maybe your living room or your garage can transform into your home gym for the 30 minutes it takes to work out. If you have other people in the room with you (kids, spouse, etc), communicate your intentions and either invite them to join you, or invite them to give you 30 minutes of space for you to do your workout.


Chances are, you probably already have a routine for your running schedule.  Make a time budget. Look at your day, your week, and decide the best time for you to do your strength routine.  Decide how many days a week and which days you want to strength train, and decide a specific time of day for your workout.  We recommend doing your strength training workouts on the same days as your hard running workouts, so that your recovery days can be true recovery days. Another approach is to alternate your running days with your strength training days. It’s up to you to decide which method works best for you. Once you’ve set your schedule, honor it. Don’t stand yourself up. If you don’t have an hour or even a half hour, maybe you have ten or fifteen minutes. Something is better than nothing. Even one set can help improve your strength.


Choosing what equipment you’ll need can be overwhelming.  If you’re working out in the gym, some of the machines and weights available can be intimidating.  Start simple. Your own body weight can be a great tool for strength training. By connecting your mind to your muscle you can create your own resistance.  Once your body has adapted to body weight exercises and you want to add in more resistance. A great way to add resistance with your body weight is by using suspension straps and a pull up bar.  Suspension straps, such as TRX Bands, should be anchored securely above head and can be used for beginner to advanced athletes. Another great option is resistance bands. They are inexpensive and easy to adjust the intensity, and are easily transported and stored.  Resistance band options vary between handled bands, loop bands, and different weight options. Free Weights (dumbbells, kettlebells, barbell) are a very versatile tool to use for strength training. Many people use strictly free weights in their strength training routine.  Free weights are priced per pound, so the cost could have a wide range. Some options are dumbbell sets, or adjustable dumbbells, or buying one pair at a time. Kettlebells are a fun way to mix it up with free weights. You can typically get a pretty great workout with just one size. Or you can go all in and get a bench, olympic bar and plates.   

Using resistance bands and free weights is ideal, because you can incorporate multiple muscles in one move.  A stability ball and/or Bosu ball is also a great tool to use, especially for runners who need added core and hip stability.

Weight machines at the gym are great too, because they can isolate individual or groups of muscles and help you establish good form.  It is highly recommended that you workout in front of a mirror, or film yourself working out for the first few workouts. This will help you watch yourself and become more aware of your form and what good form looks like and feels like.

Attached are some links for products we recommend, to help you get started choosing your home gym equipment. Some of this equipment can be an investment.  A great option to start is to look into buying used. Check your local thrift store or buy/sell groups on social media.  You might be able to find what you’re looking for at a lower price than new.


Now that you’ve got a space to workout, a schedule in place and all the equipment set up, what do you do with it?  Start with basic moves that you can perform with confidence. Include all your major muscle groups (Chest, Back, Glutes, Quads and Hamstrings, Shoulders and Arms).   If you aren’t sure what to do, that’s where we come in. The Marathon Mind provides our athletes with a customized strength plan based on past injuries, weaknesses and individual goals.  A few basic examples of exercises you can do to target your major muscles: Squats, Deadlifts, Lunges, Chest Press, Bent over Rows, Shoulder Press, Pushups, Biceps Curls and Triceps Extensions.  Be sure to check our Facebook and Instagram often! We love to share moves and strength tips with you!


If you’ve been running for awhile or have ever dealt with a running related injury, you may have heard this before.  Here’s the thing: it’s absolutely true! If you’re going to choose just one workout that you never skip, let it be a hip and core strength workout.  Strong, balanced hips and core will help drive your body toward stronger joints, better injury prevention, and more balanced running. Lateral movement whether standing, or lying on your side will target your hips.

We offer personalized, targeted strength training plans included in your basic coaching package when you hire The Marathon Mind to coach you! If you have any questions about strength training, send us a message! We’d love to help you!

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