Are you ready?

You’ve been wondering if hiring a coach is right for you. You’ve considered if it will be worth the money. You have asked yourself if you feel worthy of a coach. You have wondered if a coach can really help you reach your goals. You’ve questioned whether the timing is right. 

Our answer? Yes, yes, and more yes. We believe that everyone can benefit from coaching, no matter where they are in their running journey, and everyone is worthy of a coach. 

We offer various types of coaching services, from personalized one on one coaching to pre-witten plans. Read more below to choose the plan that best fits your needs and budget. 

The time is now!

Gold Coaching plan

Your plan- just for you, one-on-one, completely personalized. Your coach will be there for you every step of the way to offer advice, encouragement, feedback, and adjustments as needed.

Silver Training Plans

Our silver training plans put all the tools you need for success in your running belt: a 20-week running plan, weekly menus, running specific strength plans, and brain training exercises.

Starting From Scratch Plan

You’ve decided you’d like to run and need help getting started or perhaps you are returning after a long break or injury. This plan will help you begin or return safely to prevent burnout and injury.

Runtastic training

Running a Runtastic race? Perfect! We will provide you with a race-specific running plan, weekly menus, strength plans, and brain training exercises.

Stand Alone Plans

While we believe runners benefit most from having a full package of training resources, sometimes you are looking for guidance with just one. Choose from our selection of running, strength, and nutrition plans.

Get in touch with us

Questions? We’d love to chat! Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

dig deep | work hard | believe harder