Don't Look Back

I’ve been running with the same group of friends for many years, with additions and friends dropping off to do other things.  Recently a friend that had run with me many years ago started coming back to join the group. I was thrilled to see him and told him so.  He said, “I’m just trying to get back to where I was.” The thought seemed innocent or productive but as I have thought about it I feel like the thought could be poison to progress.  The comparison to your former self isn’t useful or productive. Meeting ourselves where we’re at and celebrating progress is much more motivating than chasing our own ghosts and beating ourselves up for never quite catching them.

One example is Alisha.  Alisha is a competitive runner, having qualified and run the Boston Marathon.  She is driven, detailed oriented and had a lot of running success. At the beginning of the summer she woke up one morning exhausted, devoid of energy and wondering what had changed.  The symptoms just got worse, insatiable thirst, no energy and hormonal swings. She spent the next several months going from doctor to doctor and having test after test. She finally got the diagnosis of Diabetes insipidus, a failure of the pituitary gland. She started medication and took on the challenging of rebuilding her fitness.  She started working hard, running the miles and found herself frustrated with the comparison between where she had been and where her fitness was currently.

Why look back? That’s not where you are headed. Embrace who you are right now and look forward with excitement to who you are becoming.

In her words, “I was running with two of my very good running friends this morning and we were chatting about some different things and one of them mentioned letting go of some things in her life. I then got an image in my head of the me today holding onto the me almost a year ago. I was holding on to her so dang tight. I wanted to be her so bad. I wanted to think about the same things she did. I wanted to have her same goals. I wanted be her same weight. I wanted my body to look just like hers. Everything she was, I wanted to be. Then, I let her go. I am not the same person I was before and I will never be the same person I was before. Why would I want to be? That person has not gone through what I’ve been through. That person has not learned the things I’ve learned. I am a new version of me and I will continue to learn and grow and change again, just like everyone does. It was so hard to let her go. I’ve been holding on to her for a long time. I kept thinking she was better. But, I’m ready now. Who I am right now is kicking butt!”

Once Alisha let go of her former self she was able to embrace who she is today, appreciating her body for what it does and what it gives her. She is stronger mentally, more grateful for the chance to run, and so much wiser than her former self.

Why look back?  That’s not where you are headed.  Embrace who you are right now and look forward with excitement to who you are becoming.

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