Camie's Memories of Boston

The thing that stands out in my memories the most of my Boston experience was the feelings I felt as I ran down those streets. I remember having a hard time keeping the tears at bay because I had worked so hard for so many years and I here I finally was. When I began to run marathons I had running the Boston Marathon as my goal. It really was part of the reason I wanted to run one to begin with.

I felt overwhelmed by the happiness, excitement, support, and pure joy I felt from the spectators, runners, and volunteers. I have never run a race where so many people come out to support. The streets were lined for 26.2 miles. I wanted to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Having a goal that feels unachievable and finally reaching it is something that changes a person. The night before the race there was a lot of talk about the weather and I could not even care because I was just so happy to be there.

Having a goal that feels unachievable and finally reaching it is something that changes a person.

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