The Full Grocery Cart

Camie Draxler

Camie Draxler

I went to the grocery store after the holidays. My large family and I were all ready to eat lots of good healthy food. I started my grocery shopping in the perimeter where I always try to do the majority of my shopping. I walked through the produce and was finding some great deals. I continued adding more and more delicious stuff. There was a great variety of fruits and vegetables in plentiful colors. Because different colors of food often contain different nutrients and minerals, eating the colors of the rainbow is an easy way to test if you are getting what you need. As I began to walk out of the produce department I realized that my cart was almost full, leaving little space for the rest of my shopping. I was amazed to realize what a correlation this was to how we should feed our bodies.

When we fill our bodies with whole foods to begin with, there isn’t as much room for less nutrient dense food.

When we fill our bodies with whole foods to begin with, there isn’t as much room for less nutrient dense food. I loved this comparison and thinking about how I want the majority of what I take in to be good fresh, delicious food. Often during the day I will think through what I have eaten to determine if there are things I could add to be sure I am getting the most out of my nutrition. My body is such an amazing gift and I want to take care of it the best I can. As I do this, it does a great job of taking care of me!

I love to focus on how I want to fuel and feed my body versus what I think I shouldn’t be eating. This gives me joy! Next time you are at the grocery store or eating, think of the full grocery cart. What do you want your body and your cart to be full of?

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