Take Care of YOU

Carrie Fredin

Carrie Fredin

I was the most attentive new mom in the history of new moms. I nursed that sweet little Luke around the clock, read every parenting book I could get my hands on. Everything I did was for him. That little one was my life. When his little brother joined us I poured just as much love into Noah. I loved those boys to distraction but I felt a little lost myself. I started sinking into postpartum depression, tired all the time and the world just seemed all grey, monochrome, and flat.  

A friend of mine suggested that we start jogging together. At the urging of my husband and the promise of his support I started to jog two mornings a week. I started having adult conversations. My body started to feel a little bit more like it was mine again. I started to find myself one workout at a time. I also started to find solutions to the two year old problems in my house. I was more available to my husband. I look back and realize that what was missing from those early years was the practice of taking care of myself. I took care of the boys but I didn’t take care of me. I also learned that taking care of me comes first. It’s my job to take care of me and then I’ll have what I need to take care of them. 

I’m now three more boys and several more years into this parenting gig. As I type I’ve locked myself in the guest room to work and the boys, home on summer vacation, know that mom is at work and that they need to take care of each other. I can hear a few yells, some messes being made and some unhappy sounds. And it’s fine. They will figure it out and be extra grateful when I do make it upstairs. More importantly, I will be better equipped to help them, love them and be available to them. I will have taken care of me, filled my bucket so that I have something to offer them. 

In those early years I learned that exercise was what I needed to feel like myself. I’ve also learned that pursuing my own interests makes me a more whole person. 

Find what fuels you, what feeds you and what helps you become the best version of yourself. Do it because you are a person that deserves to be taken care of and it’s YOUR job to take care of you.

We’ve all learned the analogy about putting your own oxygen mask on first and it’s absolutely true. You need to take care of yourself so that you can take care of others. That was my approach and the justification for taking time for myself, that I needed to take care of me in order to take care of others. 

 Lately, though, it has evolved. What if we just take care of ourselves because we are worthy, unique, amazing individuals? What if you take care of yourself because you are a person that deserves to be taken care of? Take care of yourself because you are worthy of being taken care of. The happy side effect is that you are then better able to care for others. However, your worth isn’t tied to the care of others. 

Self care can look like a lot of different things. It’s often portrayed as a bubble bath, a tub of cookie dough, or a night out. Those things are wonderful but it’s not what self care looks like to me. I need a challenging run, a hard strength session, a healthy, homemade meal, or writing a training plan for someone. I need these things because they fuel me. 

Find what fuels you, what feeds you and what helps you become the best version of yourself. Do it because you are a person that deserves to be taken care of and it’s YOUR job to take care of you.

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