Sticking to the Plan While on Vacation

Camie Draxler

Camie Draxler

You’re ready to hit the road with the family and take that much needed vacation. So exciting! But how are you going to squeeze in training while you’re away? With a little planning and flexibility you can make it work. Here are some suggestions to help take the stress out of vacation running.

*Plan, plan, plan! The best way to stick to your training plan while you are on vacation is to plan in advance. Where will you be staying? Is there access to a treadmill, trails or paths, will anyone else in your party be going out? Are there local running groups you might be able to join? Also think of planning strength training and your nutrition. It is so easy to get side tracked without planning in advance!

*Switch things up! Are you going for the weekend? Could you switch around your runs and get your long run done earlier in the week? Make it easier to get it done and then enjoy your vacation!

*Race! Is there a local race you might be able to participate in while you are visiting? Make sure that this fits your training plans, but this could be a fun way to really get to know an area. This also allows you to run with other people.

*Be flexible! The race or run you have planned just might not happen and that’s okay. Give yourself some space to enjoy your vacation, but don’t enjoy it for too long 😉 Don’t let yourself get sucked into all or nothing thinking either. Maybe you can’t get in 8 miles, but you have time for 5 miles. Make it happen! Do what you can!

*Take advantage of the chance to do strength! Often on vacation you have a little bit more flexible time and schedules. Use this opportunity to hit your strength training hard. Take bands with you or do some body weight exercises in your hotel room or even around a park. You might also have access to some equipment in a hotel gym.

*Encourage others! Take a family member or friend with you. It is always fun to go with others and it might be a good way for them to stick to their plan too!

*Explore! Running when you are on vacation often gives you the opportunity to see a lot of a city that you might not get to see otherwise. It also gives you the chance to see what it is like on the streets and paths, not just as you speed past. 

*Think of your feet! Often vacationing means lots of time on your feet. You may not realize how much walking and standing stresses your body because it feels easy. Take into account how much walking you will be doing and adjust your running miles accordingly so you don’t overdo it.

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