Lean In- How Acceptance Promotes Results

Sherrie Shepherd

Sherrie Shepherd

I was recently scrolling through Facebook and the memories page popped up. I have noticed a pattern in some of my posts from nearly a decade ago. Many of them expressed thoughts like, “Why can’t I just eat chocolate all day and still be skinny?” Or, “I’m going off sugar! Again! I mean it this time!” Or, “I’m starting a 30 day challenge.” 


What I wish I could go back and tell my younger self is to stop buying in to the dieting mentality. In my efforts to get healthier at that time, my intentions were pure, but I was going about it all wrong. 


I was resisting my body. I was focusing on the things in my body that I wanted to change. I was spending energy cutting out different types of foods, cutting calories, and skipping meals on a temporary basis in hopes of getting quick results. The trouble is, I always fell off the wagon, I always gained the weight back, I always felt guilty for failing. I’d binge, then feel guilty for that so I’d start another diet. And around and around the vicious cycle we go. 


At some point along the way, I learned a valuable lesson that has helped me sustain a long term healthy body that performs the activities I ask it to. 


Acceptance. Gratitude. Love. 


When we think negative thoughts about ourselves we create energy on a cellular level. Our bodies respond in like manner. I was resisting my body, so it was resisting back. 


I learned to lean in and accept what is. I learned to be where I am. And I learned that accepting and loving my body means that I’m going to provide it with the best quality nutrition I can, daily movement, and daily meditation, because when you love something or someone, you want the very best for them. 


I also learned to be in the moment. When I was resisting, I was so focused on the end result. And I wanted it right now. Being able to have gratitude for what your body can do today, allows for growth. 


I learned that daily exercise is a gift I can give my body every day, because it feels good, it makes me happy and my body responds in gratitude. Exercise became a part of my daily routine, just like brushing my teeth. 


I learned that fueling my body is important but so is enjoying foods that I love. Life is better with chocolate. That’s an existential truth! I learned to listen to what my body needs, fuel it first with wholesome nutrition that serves me and then enjoy a treat once in a while. No binging, no cutting out food groups. Just compassionate fueling for my body. 


And I learned that progress isn’t linear. And sometimes progress doesn’t always mean forward motion. There is an ebb and flow that is healthy when it comes to our bodies, our performance and our weight. It’s healthy to have an off season, to slow down a little bit, to gain a little bit. 


Finding a way to accept where you are in this current moment, showing gratitude for the daily things your body can do and loving your body and yourself are what helps us to truly love ourselves. In such a results driven culture, focusing on where you are now, instead of where you wish you were provides a way for you and your body to connect at the core. 


The important thing is to keep showing up, keep loving yourself, and doing what gives your body the best love it deserves. I promise. It will love you back. 

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