Love the Grind

Carrie Fredin

Carrie Fredin

After a disappointing marathon in 2015 I decided that it was time to switch up my training:  I would run more miles and tailor all my strength workouts to improve my running. I dug into the literature and learned more about how to chase my goals and qualify for the Boston Marathon. I ended my membership at the gym and invested in some home weights to still fit my strength training in at home while adding more weekly miles. It was a big change and a lot more work. I remember one particular morning, I was in my garage lifting after a hard run. I was tired and the squat bar felt heavy on my shoulders but I found myself smiling. “This is fun. I love my daily grind,” I thought to myself. I kept feeding that thought and soon the changes I made had become a lifestyle and I was racking up more miles, chasing and achieving goals. The next marathon I ran was a huge personal best and a Boston Qualifying time by more than ten minutes.


As I reflect on the last five years I can attribute a lot of the progress I’ve made to that one thought. I embraced the grind and change followed. Here are a few tips to help you love the grind.

Take the time to identify the thoughts and practices that will help you stick to your routine. Choosing to embrace this process will be what leads to success.

Watch Your Thoughts

As always, our brains are the most important muscle that we need to develop. You need to get your thoughts to work for you. Notice the thoughts that weigh you down and make it harder for you to create the motivation to get out the door. Had I made all those changes but let myself think thoughts about how hard it was and how tired it was making me I would have been much less likely to keep going.

 Make It a Lifestyle

It’s not uncommon for runners to get excited, sign up for a race, follow a training plan, run the race and then lose motivation, significantly cut back miles, or quit running altogether. They repeat the process and feel like they have to have a race on the horizon in order to stay fit and healthy. Races are wonderful ways to measure progress but the real reward is the fitness and health you gained along the way.

 Set Yourself Up for Success

Find a training schedule that plays to your strengths. Invest in quality gear – running clothes, a watch, and good shoes. Build your menus around healthy foods that you enjoy preparing and eating. You might have to make choices in your social life in order to support the healthy lifestyle that you want to live. Give yourself every chance to make the work happen.

 Build on Your Progress

Give yourself lots of credit for the changes that you make. It’s tempting to beat yourself up for not being as fit or as fast or running as far as you would like. However, by giving yourself credit and encouragement you will build on that success. It’s a lot easier to make progress when your feelings are positive and confident rather than berating. 

 Take the time to identify the thoughts and practices that will help you stick to your routine. Choosing to embrace this process will be what leads to success. Five years from now, where will your grind have taken you?

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