Thank You Legs, Heart, Lungs and Mind

Carrie Fredin

Carrie Fredin

A quick scroll through social media reveals that we live in a world where high value is put on what a body looks like. Before and After pictures with the After picture showcasing pounds and inches lost and muscles gained. The comments on these posts are congratulatory, acknowledging the hard work that it took to get to that After picture. All too often, though, the focus is on what the body in the After picture looks like.

My favorite Before and After posts might not even include a picture of the body. My favorites might include a view from a tall peak that was previously unattainable. Mine might include a description of better sleep due to better health or talk about how their daily tasks are less taxing. My favorite progress posts focus on what a body can do when treated well rather than what a body looks like.

I recently ventured to the Grand Canyon for the first time in my 42 years, determined to hike and run from the North Rim to the South Rim. As we descended into the canyon down the miles of trail my heart rate stayed steady, my muscles carried me without complaint and I was able to enjoy the experience. This is possible because I have run, swam, biked and hiked many miles this year, lifted weights and fueled my body with healthy foods. I was able to take in the beauty of that magical place because the vessel of my body allowed me to. Thank you, body.

 Climbing up from the bottom to the South Rim, my legs started to tire. My friend Erin reminded me that we do a lot of weighted step-ups in our strength routines and that this hike out of the canyon was just a series of step-ups without quite as much weight. With that thought, my mind lifted and allowed my legs to do the work that they were ready and conditioned to do. It was strenuous, but my mind and body were up for the task. I thanked my legs, heart, lungs and mind for their performance. 

 For me, a healthy lifestyle and appreciation for my body is fueled by focusing on what my body can do. There are plenty of beautiful bodies adorning my social media feeds, but I always find myself happier and more content and calm with my own body when I think of the miles she carries me to see the amazing world that I get to live in. That will fuel my lifestyle.

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