My Way

Sherrie Shepherd

Sherrie Shepherd

No matter what you are dealing with, whether working on getting fit and healthier, working on training for the next race, how you approach your work in your profession or navigating the mental and emotional fall out as a result of all the goings on this past year, there are some important things to remember. 


  • Pay attention to what your gut, or your intuition tells you is the right way to do it. Sometimes, it can take practice to be able to notice what your gut says. This will usually feel like a physical sensation in your body. Often in the torso, which is why your intuition is often referred to as your gut. What are those sensations telling you? What thoughts and feelings come to mind in relation to those sensations. Learning to listen to your gut is powerful. 


  • Take action. Once your gut speaks to you and you are able to recognize it, do something. Follow your instincts. Do something about it. This may require you to step out of your comfort zone. As runners, we are used to some discomfort physically. How about mentally? Emotionally? Intellectually or spiritually? Don’t be afraid to push your comfort zone lines a little further. 


  • Don’t compare your way to others. It’s often easy to look at other people’s highlight reel and feel like we don’t measure up or we are doing it wrong. You are the only person who knows the right way to do things for you. What worked for someone else might not work for you. That’s ok. We all learn and grow in different ways. 


  • Stand true to what feels the most peaceful. Often, what feels right and peaceful can also feel uncomfortable. Maybe even a little fearful. Sometimes it takes some trial and error to find your peace. Things like intentional self care, connecting to high power, meditation, journaling can help bring you to what way feels most peaceful. If you lose sight of your peace, reconvene with those things and recheck to make sure your decision still feels peaceful. Question often. Sometimes the route might change. That’s ok. 


When decision making, the choice is yours and yours alone. Finding the path for you isn’t always easy. But finding your own way is empowering. Remember your path is the only path that matters.

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