dig deep | Work hard | believe harder

dig deep | work hard | believe harder



“Run often.  Run Long. But never outrun your joy of running.” 

– Julie Isphording


*Only add mileage by 10% per week.

*Running shoes only last for 300-500 miles. The biggest indicator is normally how you feel. When there starts to be more aches and pains it is probably past time.

*Have a few pairs of running shoes to rotate with.

*Not all runs should be fast. There needs to be easy/recovery days

*Don’t try new things the day of a race. Practice with your nutrition and even your clothes before race day.

*Just because your friend loves something does not mean it will work for you! And in that same thought just because you love something right now does not mean that you might not change down the road. Everyone is different and your needs will definitely change over time.

*Find what works for you…nutrition, clothing, shoes, etc. This may mean experimenting and trying lots of different things. Don’t be afraid to try on lots of shoes. Experiment with different fueling strategies as well.

*Learn to appreciate what a great things our watches are, but also learn to run without them. Allow yourself to “feel” certain paces. Become aware how your body feels at different paces. Don’t become a slave to your watch, just allow it to be a part of your toolbox.

*Be patient with yourself. Set big goals, but allow yourself time for growth and learning.

*Allows keep the joy in running. Do it because you enjoy it! Find the ways that it brings you joy and make sure that you incorporate those things as often as possible. If that means running on trails….get to them. If that means running with friends, run with friends. Keep the joy!

*Change it up! Try a new route, a treadmill workout, trail running, running with someone new, etc. Variety is the spice of life! If you start to hate it, take some time off. If you still hate it maybe you need an extended break. Most likely you will start to crave it very quickly.